Care Services
- Our dedicated customer care team will meet with client to develop the customer engagement strategy, they will liaise with the clients customer and housing teams throughout the project.
- Customer care team will develop a bespoke customer engagement plan for each individual scheme including:
- Customer forums and events to engage and get to know residents.
- Develop and produce all correspondence to all customers within the residential properties within the project. This will be led by you the client as to timescales etc.
- Introduction letter -to include scope of works and introduction, name and contact for the customer care consultant allocated to the project.
- 14 and 7-day notification, sent in accordance with the programme.
The customer care team will then carry out the following processes and procedures prior to the commencement of the work: –
- The allocated customer care consultant will contact the customer to carry out a pre- work survey. The purpose of this is to gather data from the customer, advise the customer on the pending work, take photographs of all work areas and document and store all relevant information. All customer care consultants adhere to the ‘lone working procedures’ given to them upon induction. This procedure can be given upon request.
- Following the pre-work survey any vulnerable customers will be identified and the customer care consultant will establish what level of extra care is required and implement one of the following protocols.
- No additional arrangements are required, normal daily visits will suffice.
- Customer vacates the property daily and stays with relatives and friends.
- Customer vacates to available respite, communal area.
- Customer completes a full decant to either family and friends or at the client request to a decant property.
- The customer care team will plan, organise and manage a customer forum. This will be carried out at a centre or hall large enough to accommodate the number of customers. (Details of where the event can be held should be given by the housing team of the client) The purpose of this forum will be to greet and formally meet the site team. Advise the customers about the work and answer any questions. We use this forum as a “get to know” and believe it helps with gaining access and better communication during the project. Sometimes referred to as “meet the contractor day”
- If requested by the client, all customers of the project will then be issued with 14-day notification correspondence for the commencement on site.
- This will be followed by the individual customers receiving 7 day notification, this is completed following the programme of the work.
- The customer care consultant will visit individual customers 24 hours prior to the commencement of work to their property. At this visit the customer care consultant will carry out a final property inspection, this is carried out to safe guard the client and the contractor regarding any false allegations of damage. They will ensure that the customer is ready for the work to commence at this visit.
- The customer care team will arrange any training for onsite staff regarding best practice/customer care on projects.
During Construction
The customer care team will carry out the following during the entire course of the project being on site.
- Daily visits to the customers to ensure minimal disruption during the work to their properties.
- Ensure welfare respite facilities are agreed with the client and available for customers that require them during the work.
- Organise weekly or bi-monthly customer forums providing respite and refreshments, this will be agreed with the client.
- Communicate daily/weekly with the client representative assigned to the project, this may include on some projects a scheme manager.
- Manage daily communication between the customers and the site team i.e. delays, key holding, daily issues.
- Manage an up to date and confidential record of customer details.
- Manage and resolve concerns, complaints in a timely manner to the customer and client’s satisfaction.
- Manage no access and refusal by the customer in accordance with the clients processes and procedures.
- Manage and facilitate all associated administration for projects using systems such as MI housing.
Post construction
- Ensure the customer is satisfied with how the work was carried out.
- This can be carried out verbally via a telephone short satisfaction survey or in person.